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Languages - Meet the Faculty and Staff Page Banner

The department of Modern Languages and Literatures has 17 full-time and 23 part-time faculty members with one administrative staff member. We maintain an active research environment and are committed to mentoring and assisting students to achieve excellence in the modern languages that we teach.

Department Office

Phone: (248) 370-2060
Fax: (248) 370-3170
O'Dowd Hall, Room 372
586 Pioneer Drive
Oakland University
Rochester, Michigan 48309-4482

Department Chairperson

Professor Adolfo Campoy-Cubillo 

314 O'Dowd Hall
(248) 370-2073
[email protected]

Administrative Staff

Ms. Linda Hubarth
Administrative Secretary
[email protected]
373 O'Dowd Hall
(248) 370-2061

Faculty in Arabic

Dunya Mikhail
Special Lecturer
[email protected]
357 O'Dowd Hall

Faculty in Chinese

Hsiang-Hua (Melanie) Chang, Ph.D. 张相华
Associate Professor
Director for "Spring in Beijing" and Exchange Program at China Foreign Affairs University
Director for "Chinese Language and Culture in Taiwan" and Partnership Program at National Dong Hwa University
Adviser for CIEE, GEO, and USAC programs in China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan
[email protected]
362 O'Dowd Hall
(248) 370-4248

Chensi Wang, M.A. 王晨思
Special Lecturer
[email protected]
355 O'Dowd Hall
(248) 370-2060

Asian Professors Emeriti

Carlo Coppola
Professor Emerita of Hindi-Urdu

Munibur Rahman
Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Hindi-Urdu

Amitendranath Tagore
Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Chinese

Faculty in French

Dikka Berven
Special Instructor
Advisor for GEO program in Angers, France,
and CIEE programs in Toulouse, Rennes and Paris, France
[email protected]
353 O'Dowd Hall
(248) 370-2043

Rebecca Josephy
[email protected]
352 O'Dowd Hall
(248) 370-2081
Director of the Cannes faculty led study abroad.

Jennifer Law-Sullivan
Associate Professor
Director of University of Orléans / Oakland University Exchange Program
Advisor for study abroad program in Montréal, Canada
[email protected]
366 O'Dowd Hall
(248) 370-2080

Adjunct Faculty

Bernadette Donohue
Special Lecturer
[email protected]
(248) 370-2060

Jamila Doppke
Special Lecturer
[email protected]
(248) 370-2060

Maissa Saker
Special Lecturer
[email protected]
(248) 370-2060

Professors Emeriti

Dolores Burdick
Professor Emerita

Stacey Hahn
Professor Emerita

Don R. Iodice (in memoriam)
Professor Emeritus

David Jaymes
Professor Emeritus

Faculty in German

Angineh Djavadghazaryans
Associate Professor
[email protected]
350 O’Dowd Hall
(248) 370-2063

Anja Wieden
Associate Professor
Director of the Universität Oldenburg / Oakland University Student Exchange Program
Director of the Summer Study Abroad Program at Kapito in Münster
[email protected]
358 O’Dowd Hall
(248) 370-2071

Adjunct Faculty

Cornelia Schaible
Special Lecturer
[email protected]
357 O'Dowd Hall

Ulrike Treder
Special Lecturer
[email protected]
133 O'Dowd Hall

Professors Emeriti

Jack Barthel
Professor Emeritus

Christopher Clason
Professor Emeritus

Renate Gerulatitis
Professor Emerita

Barbara Mabee
Professor Emerita

Jack R. Moeller (in memoriam)
Distinguished Professor Emeritus

Robert Simmons
Professor Emeritus

Faculty in Hebrew

Nira Lev
[email protected]
376 O'Dowd Hall

Faculty in Italian

Caterina Pieri
Special Lecturer
Advisor for Italian Study Abroad Programs
[email protected]
(248) 370-4304

Gregory Tokarski
Special Lecturer
[email protected]
(248) 370-4304
122 O'Dowd Hall

Faculty in Japanese

Robert Del Greco
Assistant Professor
[email protected]
354 O’Dowd Hall
(248) 370-2066

Stephen Filler
Associate Professor
Director of Nanzan University / Oakland University Exchange Program,
Advisor for Japan Center for Michigan Universities (JCMU) and CIEE study-in-Japan programs
[email protected]
375 O'Dowd Hall
(248) 370-2070

Akiko Kashiwagi-Wood
Associate Professor
[email protected]
360 O'Dowd Hall
(248) 370-4565

Adjunct Faculty

Yukiko Arima
Special Lecturer
[email protected]
(248) 370-2732
111 O'Dowd Hall

Michele Plattenberger

Special Lecturer
Director of Business Communications in Japan Study Abroad Program,
Director of Business Communication, Culture and Etiquette, Professional Development Training
[email protected]
(248) 370-2732
111 O'Dowd Hall

Professors Emeriti

Seigo Nakao
Professor Emeritus

Faculty in Spanish

Adolfo Campoy-Cubillo
Associate Professor
[email protected]
314 O'Dowd Hall
(248) 370-2073

Mary Hartson
Associate Professor
[email protected]
312 O'Dowd Hall
(248) 370-2001

Aldona Pobutsky
[email protected]
356 O'Dowd Hall
(248) 370-2069

Raquel Prieta
Assistant Professor of Foreign Language Education
[email protected]
373 O'Dowd Hall
(248) 370-2153

Cecilia Saenz-Roby
Associate Professor
[email protected]
364 O'Dowd Hall
(248) 370-2072

Adjunct Faculty

Elizabeth Anderson
[email protected]
(248) 370-4129

Fatima Ferreira
Special Lecturer
[email protected]
248) 370-2060

Tara Gardner
Special Lecturer
[email protected]
(248) 370-4258

Angela Arrieta
Special Lecturer
[email protected]
(248) 370-2060

Maria Ploof
Special Lecturer
[email protected]
(248) 370-2060

Dario Puñal
[email protected]
(248) 370-2060

Mayra Schmalzried
Special Lecturer
[email protected]
(248) 370-2060

Eyda Vaughn
[email protected]
(248) 370-2060

Professors Emeriti

Frances Meuser
Professor Emerita

Estela Moreno (In Memoriam)
Professor Emerita
Ronald F. Rapin
Professor Emeritus

Carmen Urla
Professor Emerita

Julia Urla
Retired Special Instructor